He attended a rigorous Munich elementary school where he showed an interest in science and math but did poorly in other areas of study. He finished high school and technical college in Switzerland. At the age of 22 he became a Swiss citizen. In 1903 he married
Mileva Marec. They had two sons but were later divorced. He later married his widowed cousin Esla in 1919. Around 1902 Einstein became an examiner in the Swiss patent office at Bern. In 1905 at the age of 26 he published five major research papers in an important German physics journal. He received a doctorate for the first paper. The next four papers that he published changed view of whole of mankind about our universe.
Esla and Einstein
The first paper provided a theory explaining Brownian motion, the zigzag motion of microscopic particles in suspension. Einstein suggested that the movement was caused by the random motion of molecules of the suspension medium as they bounced against the suspended particles.
A third paper which began with an essay Einstein had written at the age of 16 contained the “Special theory of relativity”. The last of the four papers, the fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity where he presented his most famous equation E = mc2. These papers established Einstein’s status among the most respected physicists in Europe.
Albert Einstein and Rabindranath Tagore in Berlin, Germany, 14th July, 1930
Einstein and Plank
In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. In it he proposed that gravity is not a force, a previously accepted theory, but a curved field in the space-time continuum that is created by the presence of mass. Between 1909 and 1914 Einstein taught theoretical physics in Switzerland and Germany. Worldwide fame came to him in 1919 when the Royal Society of London that predictions made in his General theory had been confirmed. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics two years later for his work in theoretical physics. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they denounced his ideas, seized his property and burned his books. That year he moved to USA and in 1940 became an American citizen. His later years would mainly pass by in trying to establish a formula that would explain of the properties of matter and energy. Einstein died in Princeton in April 1955. This was the story of Einstein’s life.
By Tahsin Uddin Mullick
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Aftermath Publications, Issue 3
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